An id with which to identify this model
the root node of the decision tree
if no path from the root to a leaf can be generated for a given input, should we return a score associated with an interior node?
Recursively close the submodels.
Recursively close the submodels.
An id with which to identify this model
An id with which to identify this model
if no path from the root to a leaf can be generated for a given input, should we return a score associated with an interior node?
the root node of the decision tree
A decision tree containing models at the nodes. The evaluation algorithm works as follows:
If a
The benefit to this is that we report which submodel was responsible for producing the score.
model input type
model output type
An id with which to identify this model
the root node of the decision tree
if no path from the root to a leaf can be generated for a given input, should we return a score associated with an interior node?