An In-Depth Walkthrough

There are a few basic concepts that carry through all aspects of Aloha. Those are, namely, features and semantics.


Features are the basic unit when creating dataset and model specifications. Features can be thought of as 4-tuples of the form:

( Specification, Default, Feature Domain, Feature Codomain )

  1. The specification (or spec) is the actual statement, body or definition of what the feature does.
  2. The default is the value that a feature produces when a value can’t otherwise be produced. A default is not required when all parameters in the spec are required but is required if any of the parameters in a spec are optional (more on this later).
  3. Feature domain.
  4. Feature codomain.

A Feature Example: BMI

An example of a feature is Body Mass Index (BMI) which is defined as

BMI = 703 * (weight in lbs.) / (height in inches)2

Assuming we have a hierarchical datastructure that has a weight and height field, we could represent this as

703 * ${weight} / pow(${height}, 2)

where the parameter values to be extracted are inside of the delimiters “${” and “}”. The rest of the feature is just normal scala code (with some import statements previously defined). Notice this specification is very similar to how expressions with parameter substitutions are defined in bash scripts. In fact, default values are provided in the same way as in bash. For instance, if the weight parameter were optional and the particular value was missing, we can provide a default value as follows:


Which means, like in bash, that when weight is not declared or has been declared as null, the default of 200 will be used. The difference here is that the default value has to type check with the original value. If for instance weight were a 32-bit float, then the default couldn’t be 200.5 (which is a 64-bit double), but would have to be 200.5f.

So far, we’ve already run into a few snags. If weight was optional and the value wasn’t provided, then our expression if naively written, could produce NPEs.
Aloha avoids these errors by treating optional values appropriately. It ensures that optional parameters are represented by scala.Option values.

The key insight is that each feature can be thought of as an applicative that operates over many parameters lifted into the Option context. This way, features can be written without worrying about the boring details like null values, etc.

This insight, along with scala’s type inference abilities allows us to synthesize strongly typed code without having to specify parameter types. We only need to know the input and output types and need to know how to generate the code that extracts parameter values from the input type (see plugins below). Let’s revisit our example to go into more detail. So the example above can be decomposed in the two parameters:

  • height: required int
  • weight: optional float

and the function of these two parameters. Let’s say that we could write scala functions to extract the height and width from the input type. For simplicity, let’s say we are working with a Map[String, Any]. Then, our functions could be written like the following:

val weight = (x: Map[String, Any]) => x get { "weight" } collect { case x: Float => x }  // Optional value.
val height = (x: Map[String, Any]) => x("height").asInstanceOf[Int]                      // Required value.

Now let’s say that Aloha has a generic way of combining the return values of two functions (representing parameters) using a third combining function. We could easily write this as:

 * @param u a function with domain X and codomain U 
 * @param v a function with domain X and codomain V 
 * @param f a function with domain U x V and codomain Y
 * @tparam X the domain of the returned function  
 * @tparam U the first intermediate type.
 * @tparam V the second intermediate type.
 * @tparam Y the codomain of the returned function 
 * @return a function that takes a value x ∈ X and return f(u(x), v(x))
def functionWithTwoVariables[X, U, V, Y](u: X => U, v: X => V)(f: (U, V) => Y) = 
  (x: X) => f(u(x), v(x))

Then we could construct the BMI function easily from the definitions weight and height using the following:

// functions w and h are defined above.
// Type of bmi:   Map[String,Any] => Option[Double]
val bmi = functionWithTwoVariables(weight, height)((weightOpt, height) => {
  import math.pow { weight => 
    703 * weight / pow(height, 2)

Notice that once we defined weight and height above, we didn’t need to supply any type information. We just needed to know that the function weight returned an optional value. Also notice that the body is identical to how the feature looked in the original specification.

This begs the question, how is this possible? The answer is the semantics implementation.


Simply put, the semantics is the thing that gives meaning to the features. It is the interpreter that takes a feature specification and a default value and turns this tuple into working functions that extract and process data.

For instance, in the BMI example used above, the semantics was responsible for turning the statement

703 * ${weight} / pow(${height}, 2)

into a function with domain Map[String, Any] and codomain Option[Double].

The semantics has additional responsibilities including knowing about the domain of the features. The API contract for semantics is rather vague. It’s up to the individual implementations of semantics to define how pluggable it wants to be.

Compiled Semantics

Aloha currently has one main type of Semantics, namely CompiledSemantics. CompiledSemantics is extremely powerful because it allows:

  1. the use of any arbitrary scala code
  2. importing code defined inside OR outside the Aloha library

The CompiledSemantics is responsible for transforming the feature specification to a function but it delegates to a plugin for the synthesis of the code responsible for the parameter extraction. This will become clear soon, but before continuing, a brief note.

A Note on the Power of Imports

It is important to note that the ability to import is extremely powerful! By allowing imports, Aloha can easily be extended outside the library. Imports provide the power analogous to user-defined functions (UDFs) in databases, but imports are actually much more powerful due to scala’s facility for implicit parameters.

Imports can do more than just add language features. They can change the meaning of the language.

Imports are specified globally in CompiledSemantics, away from where the features are specified. This is by design so that the same specifications can have different meaning in different problem domains. The consequence is that imports need to be used with caution, especially when referencing implicit language features. The following example illustrates this.

Imagine a third party developer wrote the following code


object Ops {
   * @param v an explicit value
   * @param a an implicit value to add to v 
   * @param ring A type class representing an algebraic ring.
   * @tparam A the type of algebraic ring
   * @return ''v'' added to some value ''a'' in the implicit scope
  def add[A](v: A)(implicit a: A, ring: Numeric[A]) =, a)

object Implicits {
  implicit val two: Int = 2 
  implicit val four: Int = 4

Let’s assume a feature specification: add(${some.value}) and the parameter ${some.value} has an integer value, 1. If the imports were:


Then the output of the feature would be 3 in this instance. If we changed the imports to


then the same feature specification would yield a value of 5. While this can be extremely useful, it can also be extremely dangerous. It is imperative to understand the imports being imported into scope.

Protobuf Plugin

Currently there are a few main CompiledSemantics plugins. The first is CompiledSemanticsProtoPlugin located in the com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.proto package in aloha-io-proto. This plugin allows for arbitrary kinds of Protocol Buffer instances that extend GeneratedMessage.

See dependencies for the version of protocol buffers used in Aloha. At the time of this writing, Aloha uses protocol buffers 2.4.1.

// Scala Code: Constructing a compiled semantics protocol buffer plugin is easy.
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.proto.CompiledSemanticsProtoPlugin
import com.eharmony.aloha.test.proto.TestProtoBuffs.Abalone

val plugin = CompiledSemanticsProtoPlugin[Abalone]

// pass to compiled semantics ... (more on this later)

Avro Plugin

Aloha Also supports Avro input and output. The support for this in located in the aloha-io-avro module.

import org.apache.avro.{Protocol, Schema}
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.avro.CompiledSemanticsAvroPlugin

// Get the Avro Schema.
val alohaRoot = new File(new File(".").getAbsolutePath.replaceFirst("/aloha/.*$", "/aloha/"))
val protocolFile = new File(alohaRoot, "aloha-io-avro/src/test/resources/avro/test.avpr")
val protocol = Protocol.parse(protocolFile)
val schema = protocol.getType("Test")

// Pass the Avro Schema to plugin.  Need to specify the type associated with the Schema.
val plugin = CompiledSemanticsAvroPlugin[GenericRecord](schema)

// pass to compiled semantics ... (more on this later)

Future structured input datatypes Aloha may support

One of the niceties of Aloha is that it allows models to accept structured input in a typesafe way. Currently, this is limited to protocol buffers but we’d like to extend allow to integrate with other serialization protocols such as

CSV Plugin

Another kind of CompiledSemantics plugin currently in use is the

CompiledSemanticsCsvPlugin located in the com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv package in aloha-core. This plugin allows the user to specify Delimiter-separated values with lots of different underlying input types. This plugin takes string-based data and turns it into strongly typed data that can encode fields with types:

  • Booleans
  • Enumerated Type Values (Categorical Variables)
  • 32-bit and 64-bit integers
  • 32-bit and 64-bit floating point numbers
  • Strings
  • Vectorized inputs
  • Optional inputs

Specifying the plugin is easy. It just requires providing a column name to column type map. The types come from com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv.CsvTypes.

// Scala Code
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv.CompiledSemanticsCsvPlugin
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv.CsvTypes.{IntType, FloatOptionType}

val plugin = CompiledSemanticsCsvPlugin(
  "height" -> IntType,
  "weight" -> FloatOptionType

Notice that since CompiledSemanticsCsvPlugin extends CompiledSemanticsPlugin[CsvLine], the features produced by a CompiledSemantics instance parameterized by an CompiledSemanticsCsvPlugin operate on instances of CsvLine. It is therefore necessary to produce instances of CsvLine to make use of this plugin. This is pretty easy to do though.

import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv.CsvLines

// Same as:
//   val tsvLinesWithDefaults = CsvLines(Map("height" -> 0, "weight" -> 1))
val tsvLines = CsvLines(
  Map(                     // 0-based field indices
    "height" -> 0, 
    "weight" -> 1
  Map.empty,               // enums: Map[String, Enum] 
  "\t",                    // fs (field separator) 
  ",",                     // ifs (intra-field separator, for vectorized inputs)
  (s: String) => s == "",  // missingData function 
  false,                   // errorOnOptMissingField 
  false                    // errorOnOptMissingEnum

Once in possession of a CsvLines instance, it’s easy to generate CsvLine instances:

import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv.CsvLine

val csvLines = CsvLines(Map("height" -> 0, "weight" -> 1), fs = ",")

val oneCsvLine: CsvLine = csvLines("72, 175") // height = 72 inches, weight = 175 lbs.
assert(72 == oneCsvLine.i("height") && Some(175f) == oneCsvLine.of("weight"))

val manyCsvLinesUsingVarArgs: Vector[CsvLine] = csvLines("72, 175", "70, 180", "64, 110")
val csvLineIterator: Iterator[CsvLine] = csvLines(Iterator("72, 175", "70, 180", "64, 110"))
val csvLineVector: Seq[CsvLine] = csvLines(Seq("72, 175", "70, 180", "64, 110"))
val nonStrictVectorOfCsvLine = csvLines.nonStrict(Vector("72, 175", "70, 180", "64, 110"))

There are many ways to get one or multiple lines CSV lines. These methods, found in CsvLines, are very general and have strict and non-strict versions. These methods transform collections passed to them and should retain the collection shape appropriately.


Factories are important to create models:

// Scala Code
import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.impl.OptionAuditor
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.ModelFactory
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.CompiledSemantics
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.compiler.TwitterEvalCompiler
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv.CompiledSemanticsCsvPlugin
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.plugin.csv.CsvTypes.{IntType, FloatOptionType}

/** @return a cache directory if possible */
def cacheDir(): Option[File] = {
  val f = new File("/tmp/aloha/cache")
  if (f.exists)
    if (f.isDirectory)
    else None
  else if (f.mkdirs)
  else None

// vvvvv  Define the semantics  vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

// -----  Define the plugin  -------------------------
val plugin = CompiledSemanticsCsvPlugin(
  "profile.user_id" -> IntType
// -----  Define the plugin  -------------------------

// Imports allow extensions to the language.  These can be anything on
// the classpath, and can be defined outside of Aloha.  Importing BasicFunctions
// is not required but it's like Aloha's version of Predef to make things work
// better / more easily.
val imports = Seq("scala.math._", "com.eharmony.aloha.feature.BasicFunctions._")

// Compiled semantics is the most general.  It requires a compiler, a plugin
// and a sequence of imports.
val semantics = CompiledSemantics(TwitterEvalCompiler(classCacheDir = cacheDir()), plugin, imports)
// ^^^^^  Define the semantics  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

// Create an Auditor
val auditor = OptionAuditor[Double]()

// Create a model factory.  It requires a semantics to make sense of features
// and an auditor to report predictions in the proper container.
val factory = ModelFactory.defaultFactory(semantics, auditor)

val modelFile = {
  val alohaRoot = new File(new File(".").getAbsolutePath.replaceFirst("/aloha/.*$", "/aloha/"))
  new File(alohaRoot, "aloha-core/src/test/resources/fizzbuzz.json")

// type: scala.util.Try[com.eharmony.aloha.models.Model[CsvLine, Double]]
val modelAttempt = factory.fromFile(modelFile)
val model = modelAttempt.get

Once we have a model, we can create some input data and run the model. So, based on this data:

val csvLines = CsvLines(Map("profile.user_id" -> 0))
val lines = csvLines(10 to 15 map (i => i.toString))

we can use the model to predict. Since the model is just a function, this is rather easy.

scala> val predictions = lines map (x => model(x)) // or just 'lines map model'
predictions: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Option[Double]] = Vector(Some(-4.0), Some(11.0), Some(-2.0), Some(13.0), Some(14.0), Some(-6.0))

scala> val inputs = lines map (x => x.i("profile.user_id"))
inputs: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)

scala> (inputs zip predictions).flatMap { case (x, p) => => (x, y)) }.mkString("\n")
res48: String =

For more information on creating semantics and factories, see the Creating Semantics page.